
Fourth Transnational Project Meeting

The 4th Transnational Project Meeting of the project supported by Turkish National Agency -  National Agency was held in Mikulov, Czech Republic on 19th-20th February 2020.

A total of 17 people participated to the meeting from Aydın Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and (Project Coordinator), Aydın Governorship (EU and Foreign Relations Office), Aydın Adnan Menderes University (Faculty of Education), Söke Directorate of Agricultural Production Enterprise Agricultural Extension and In-Service Training Center, Karpuzlu Agriculture Chamber, Developmental Center of Thessaly-AKETH (Greece), Euroform RFS (Italy), Inercia Digital SL (Spain) and Institut Pro Trénink Pohostinnosti (Czech Republic),

The Transnational Meeting of the project, which aims to make rural farmers / producers more active by improving their digital skills and thus increase their productivity and productivity in their social and business lives, started with the review of the activities carried out according to the project schedule within the scope of project management and implementation. The requirements for the training module, which are the intellectual outputs of the project, the learning outcomes and contents prepared by each project partner were evaluated within the framework of European Digital Competencies. The transfer of the training module and training materials to be translated into the languages ​​of the project partner countries to the mobile application and e-learning platforms, the use of printed training materials, the e-learning platform by the trainers, the installation of the training materials, the implementation of the trial training were discussed and the necessary task sharing was made.

On the second day of the transnational project meeting, when the Farmer Network "Farmer's Platform" was discussed, the things to be done regarding the structuring of the platform, the membership structure and rules, the sections and contents of the platform were discussed and the task distributions were determined. The meeting, in which the responsibilities to be fulfilled in terms of the general management and documentation of the project, the evaluation and dissemination of the project activities were reviewed, and the evaluation questionnaire and certificates were distributed.