Digital Skills encompasses the notions such as Internet literacy, computer literacy, and information and communication literacy (Osterman, 2013). The combination of skills necessary to become digitally literate is well presented in the three part definition by the University Library at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, which states that it is “the ability to use digital technology, communication tools or networks to locate, evaluate, use and create information; the ability to understand and use information in multiple formats from a wide range of sources when it is presented via computers; and a person’s ability to perform tasks effectively in a digital environment. Literacy includes the ability to read and interpret media, to reproduce data and images through digital manipulation, and to evaluate and apply new knowledge gained from digital environments” (University of Illinois, 2011).

But we need to do more to make sure we build a country that works for everyone and where no-one is left behind. There are various digital opportunities for adults in the digital world. But most of the farmers are not able to use these programmes and services, to follow technological developments because of lack of digital skills.

For this reason, in order for the farmers to take place in the digital world, it become necessary to prepare a training module which fits with farmers’ level, that they can participate intentionally & with pleasure.

Training Module "Digital Skills for Farmers" is an output which has innovative factors because it is the first detailed and tailored training module for the target group. Additionally, another innovative element of the output is that it will be a European-wide usable training module not for the one nation.


1 "Farmers' Digital Skills" Training Module/Course

According to literature search, state of art reports and the need analyses, most of the farmers don’t have necessary digital skills that they can follow technological developments and to become active in the digital world.

In order to the farmers take place in the digital world, it become necessary to prepare a training module/training course which fits with farmers’ level, that they can participate intentionally & with pleasure.

The Training Course/Training Module has been prepared by the collaboration of nine project partners in Turkey, Greece, Italy, Czech Republic and Spain.

The training Course is designed in a form that allows their individual use or any combination into educational programs according to the needs of the participants. Therefore, Training Module "Digital Skills for Farmers" is the first detailed and tailored training module for the target group- farmers, and it is a European-wide usable training module not for the one nation.



2 Digifarmer Learning Outcomes & Specs

In order to enable farmers to participate in the digital world, it is necessary to provide them with digital skills that include achievements that will give them digital competencies.

Learning outcomes show what farmers are expected to know or be able to do after completing a course or program. Course learning outcomes contribute to program learning outcomes. The project team has prepared the Learning Outcomes first in the preparation of the training program.



3 Digifarmer State of Art Report

The increasing developments in the digital field have made an important contribution to improving the living standards of individuals and their socialization.

In order to enable farmers to take part in this world, it is necessary to provide them with training and skills that will give them digital competencies.

At the stage of planning courses and educational materials to be prepared for farmers, a State of Art study was conducted to determine the current situation in partner countries.


4 Needs Analysis Report

The increasing developments in the digital field have made an important contribution to improving the living standards of individuals and their socialization.

In order to enable farmers to take part in this world, it is necessary to provide them with training and skills that will give them digital competencies.

At the planning stage of the courses and training materials to be prepared for farmers, a needs analysis study was conducted to determine their level of knowledge and needs in the digital field.



5 Needs Analysis Ppt

The increasing developments in the digital field have made an important contribution to improving the living standards of individuals and their socialization.

In order to enable farmers to take part in this world, it is necessary to provide them with training and skills that will give them digital competencies.

At the planning stage of the courses and training materials to be prepared for farmers, a needs analysis study was conducted to determine their level of knowledge and needs in the digital field.