Inercia Digital is a young Andalusian social enterprise founded in 2012 focused on training, innovation and traineeship in digital skills in a European level.
Our mission is to contribute with employment by promoting training and innovation in digital competences all over Europe, developing the digital skills needed in education for ICT professionals, labour force and all citizens.
Inercia Digital has experience in international and European projects, both in and out the Erasmus+ programme with several projects where we participate. Based on its expertise area, during the last years we have created and lead websites and e-learning platforms for education institutions/providers (such as schools, adult education centres, VET, etc.), in order to integrate ICT in their daily activities while developing extensive trainings on digital competences, web tools, e-learning, virtual opportunities and collaborative learning.
Inercia Digital has received the certificate by AENOR as Young Innovative Company and we are implementing the ISO 29990:2010 – Learning services for non-formal education and training – to offer a better  Learning services.